Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Ideas for Self-Visualization

For our next project, I had a lot of ideas running through my head of what I thought I should do. At first I thought of doing a composition of six to nine photographs of different parts of my face to focus on what I think are my positive attributes. Another concept I came up with was to do three large photographs; each photograph would represent something important to me in my life. A third idea I thought of included photographing my eyes from different perspectives and angles. With this I felt I could show the different ways I see things or see myself at times, and emphasize the feature that I like most about myself. However, the concept that I finally decided on was to photograph four items or accessories that I use everyday, and that all have some kind of sentimental value for me. Coincidentally, all of the accessories that I plan to use for the composition are red, and red is actually one of my favorite colors. Given that, I took all of the photographs in color, and with Photoshop I would make them all black and white, but leave the accessories their red color in order to highlight them and make them the center focus of the photographs. I was also hoping to add some subtle effects using Photoshop or Illustrator, but overall keep them simple. We'll see what happens...

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