Friday, April 10, 2009

Word Visualization Exercise

The font I used for this exercise was the Hobo Std Medium. I used this mainly because the type had the right curves in the lettering that would allow me to manipulate the word "apple" into the proper apple shape that I was going for.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Poem, Poet & Concept for Handmade Book


Blessed be the morning
of childhood when
I found myself
sister to the gecko
On the wall of the room
utterly at ease
just like me
on the edge of the planet


I found this poem to evoke a feeling of nostalgia, and almost a longing for the innocence that childhood provides an individual. I also feel that the poem attempts to illustrate a child's imagination, and how a person's youth is free of worry and any major responsibility. As for the actual book, I have a few ideas in mind. I thought that I would some how construct the body of a gecko, and have the body wrap around the book. Another idea I had in mind was to construct the room that is somewhat described in the poem, and to place the book inside of the room to make it part of the scene. My other concept for the book included making the body of the gecko act as a spine for the book, and that my book would also take on the look of a childrens' book to coordinate with my interpretation of the poem. However, after some more consideration, I felt that by making the entire book and its pages into the shape of a gecko would probably fit more with the children's book theme. I am also deciding on whether or not I will have the book spiral bound or if I should have it fold in an accordian style.

Reaction to Dia:Beacon

Visiting Dia:Beacon was actually a really great experience. I had never really been to that kind of museum before, and I loved how relaxing the atmosphere was. I especially loved how most of the space was constructed to allow natural light to come in and light up all of the pieces. One of my favorite exhibits included that of Robert Smithson. His piece titled Map of Broken Glass (Atlantis) was one that I found to be the most interesting because of the unique shape and arrangement of the glass. The light blue tint to the glass was also an interesting aspect of the piece because it made the glass almost resemble seaglass washed up on the shore; the natural light seemed to enhance this aspect as well. Overall, I found the trip to be an interesting experience.

Robert Smithson's Map of Broken Glass (Atlantis), 1969.